Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Warehouse Salon Blueprint What Type Of Software Do I Need To Run A Distribution Business?

What type of software do I need to run a distribution business? - warehouse salon blueprint

I have a distribution company, where I have a wide range of hair products from a supplier to buy abroad and then save in a warehouse.
I will employ sales representatives to visit beauty salons and take orders for my hair products.
I need a software that allows you to:
1. Keep a record of your orders with my suppliers, failure, etc.
2. Keep inventory in my store.
3. Keep track of my data sales representatives.
4. Keep track of the individual representatives of the orders to the name of a hair salon in your area grouped.
5. Print E-mail to keep invoices for events, and in the eye, whether you paid them.

I have no idea what is being called this type of software, and I have trouble finding something suitable.
Has anyone suggestions for names of software or keywords, you can write, Yahoo, to get a list of programs with trials? If the type of inventory management, I can not find evidence that sales staff.

Certainly there is something there already?

Thank you.

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