What would you do to improve sustainability and what is the key to global citizenship? - sustainability topics
The issue is the question - Sustainable Development: The Key to Global Citizenship
Please tell me their views on the topic that includes:
• Understand how to promote international education and general responsibilities of citizenship, the creation of a sustainable future
• Knowledge of the major challenges of the 21st Century of sustainability and the role of international education on these issues
• An awareness of the complexity around the issues of global sustainability
• An analytical approach to the topic
• Examples of critical thinking and creative
1 comment:
The premise is that you do everything you can learn about the care of resources in a timely manner with current technology. but can not. Therefore, the premise is false.
For example, out in the 70 Club of Rome report that he had a future crisis that cause out of oil could. But as we found in the intervening years, oil companies always found ways of extracting oil sent. In addition, the invisible hand moves when prices rise. See how much you were in Alberta [oil sands discovered in the 80s with a new "technology" for the use of sonar Oil Search] Then, in 2007, the oil sands will have to extract economic - that can be 30% of the world available to a price even higher.
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